I follow Julia's blog, Gal meets Glam, and she recently spotlighted her to-do list for spring. I love this idea. I so frequently take for granted the beauty located just outside my door. I am going to make an effort to soak up my city this spring. Truth be told, Wilmington does a pretty good job of showing off this time of year.

- Plant an edible garden and/or flower garden. It is time for me to get all of those herbs in the ground and plant flowers along my walkway.
- Explore our local botanical gardens - Airlie Gardens is a must, but I think I will head back to the historic cemetery downtown and look around. I went this winter, but imagine it is beautiful with the azaleas in full bloom.
- Plan to visit a local historical point of interest- I am thinking I will go to Ft. Fisher. I haven't been since I was a child.
- Set a date for an evening picnic in the park - check for local Concerts in the Park series in our area.
- Shop at the local Farmer’s Market for organic fruits, veggies, fresh flowers, local honey and other delicious goodies and crafts for the week ahead.
- Have dinner at a food truck
- Azalea Festival- I am going to participate in as many events as possible this year. My friends, Randy and Julie, are coming down this weekend and I want them to experience The Azalea Festival in all its glory.
- Go to a baseball game. Spring is the start of the Major and Minor League seasons. Charlotte now has a team that plays uptown. I am hoping to make it home and to a game this spring.
- Play tennis or golf. Spring usually brings warmer weather allowing for more play time.
- Clean-out closets, attics, and other places where unwanted and used items tend to get buried and forgotten. Donate at a local charity. I plan to tackle my closets this weekend.
- Enjoy some concerts- I am already set to hear The Avett Bros and Willie Nelson., not a bad start to the season.
- Head to Provision Company in Southport for a late lunch.
- Plan to take a day hike.
- Barbecue at home and eat outdoors.
- Lastly, as always, travel somewhere I have never been before. I am booking a Miami trip with my sister.
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