My friend, Katie, and I completed a juice cleanse this past Saturday. She was looking to jump start a diet and I needed to clean out the toxins after an over-indulgent holiday. A cleanse seemed like a brilliant idea. The plan was to juice on Saturday and then eat raw, mostly raw for two weeks.
We could have definitely picked a better weekend. This weekend was freezing and had me craving comfort food and red wine. But, alas, we did it anyway.
The Coconut Almond Milk tasted like snow cream. The Spinach Apple, Lemon Ginger, and Beet Cucumber, which they subbed for Red Pepper Melon, were all tolerable. By the afternoon, the Cinnamon Yam and Carrot Coconut about did me in. I will say, I didn't experience any hunger and I felt very hydrated throughout the day. I opted out of the last Almond Milk; I had no interest in consuming any more liquids. Overall, I think it was a great way to rid my body of toxins and clean out my system. Katie and I are attempting to eat "mostly" clean for two weeks: no alcohol, no coffee, no dairy, no processed foods. We will see how long we last. Either way, it has been a great exercise in being more aware of the things we put into our bodies.